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The Web Spectrum Viewer is a web based product which allows users to visualize and analyze the current spectrum ownership for all of the mobile carrier and satellite frequency bands at a county level for all 50 states and US territories. The Spectrum Ownership Analysis Tool provides analysis for over 2400 licensees.
The Basic Module includes details of filed FCC Transactions (Transactions), a graphical view of the spectrum ownership within a county (Spectrum Grid), a tabular summary of the available licensees and carriers (Carrier Database), an output of all of the licensees for a county (Spectrum Survey) and a database tool (Spectrum Database) which provides license information for all Mobile Carrier licensees from 600 MHz to 4 GHz.
The Analysis Module includes a tabular and chart outputs detailing spectrum depth for different geographical areas, (Spectrum Depth), tabular and chart outputs detailing the covered population for each carrier's licenses (Licensed Population), tabular and chart outputs summarizing the spectrum that each carrier controls (MHz-POPs). The Analysis Module also provides the size of each of the contiguous blocks of spectrum by NR band (Contiguous Spectrum Analysis), determines the NR channels by size that are available in each NR band (NR Channel Analysis), an estimated data speed for each NR channel (Throughput Analysis), and the amount of spectrum that can be deployed in each NR band (Uplink/Downlink Spectrum) depth analysis.
The Mapping Module includes geographic maps detailing each carrier’s spectrum depth by market and by frequency band (Spectrum Depth) and national maps showing the owner of each channel by county (Spectrum Ownership).
The Spectrum Ownership Analysis Tool is provided with 4 sources of analysis data; FCC Holdings, Lease Holdings, Current Holdings, and Future Holdings. The FCC Holdings data represents the current licensee for each block of spectrum. Lease Holdings reflect the operator that is leasing a block of spectrum including the Lease Identifier. Current Holdings data represent the current operator of each spectrum block including spectrum leases. The Future Holdings data includes the proposed ownership changes that have been filed with the FCC. A new version of the Spectrum Ownership Analysis Tool is produced by the 5th of each month incorporating all of the previous months updates and transactions.
Licensing for Spektrum Metrics's Web Tool includes all users with the subscribed email domain (e.g. for the monthly fee.
This subscription requires a 6 month commitment