Where are AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint adding or losing spectrum? April 30, 2019 10:53
One of the unique features of Allnet Insight's spectrum database and tools is the ability to evaluate the effect of pending applications on each carriers spectrum holdings. We have typically displayed the changes in spectrum depth in a tabular format in our National Carriers Spectrum Holdings Reports. The map below illustrates the increase or decrease in held spectrum for each of the national carriers based on the FCC transactions that are pending in April 2019 report. These changes are aggregated to the affected CMA Markets with green ranges indicating increases in held spectrum and red ranges indicating decreases in held spectrum.
With this view you can broadly see Verizon's pending acquisition of Cable & Cellular Communications' spectrum in Montana, along with AT&T's acquisition of FBS 700 LLC's spectrum in South Dakota, and AT&T's acquisition of part of C Spire's spectrum in the southeast. These maps only show the net effect on each carrier's total spectrum but the National Carriers Spectrum Holdings Report reveals not only the changes in total spectrum depth, but also the changes in spectrum depth for each band category and each frequency band.
Verizon's Pending Transaction Detail:
The last five rows represent the CMA markets in Montana affected by the Cable & Cellular Communications transaction. The first column represents the total positive or negative spectrum contribution. The light blue columns highlight the effect to low band, mid band, or high band spectrum and the grey columns reflect individual frequency band components. Looking at these columns it is easy to see that Verizon is predominantly gaining mid band spectrum, including AWS-1, AWS-3, and PCS.
Monthly National Carriers Spectrum Holdings Reports are available going back to December 2013.